Ballerinas in Floral Disguise Part I – The Oriental Lily

Ballerinas in Floral Disguise Part I – The Oriental Lily Check Out The Harvesting History Collection of Plant Videos on YouTube The lilium genus, surprisingly, is only indigenous to the temperate zones of the Northern Hemisphere, but it has been so popular for so many centuries that it is worldwide in distribution. There are many, many species native to North America,…

Kale and Collards-Some of the Cold Hardiest Vegetables in Existence

Kale and Collards-Some of the Cold Hardiest Vegetables in Existence Kale and Collards are probably the earliest cultivated variations of the European wild cabbage. Kale is known to have been widely grown by both the Greeks and the Romans. From a scientific classification point of view, kale and collards are considered to be the same plant – just two different…

The Grandeur of Flowering Vines

The Flowering Vine, Morning Glory Heavenly Blue To purchase Morning Glory Heavenly Blue Seeds click this link In terms of ornamental grandeur derived from floral displays, the most underrated assets we have in the horticultural world are the flowering vines. Blankets of yellow, red, purple, white, blue orange and just about any other color you can think of have embellished…

The Ultimate Tomato Garden

Tomatoes To purchase Harvesting History Tomato Seeds click this link Today’s newsletter was created to answer a question that we receive frequently, “Help me to choose some tomatoes for my garden. I do not have a lot of space.” In today’s gardening world, the problem of limited space is ubiquitous from city dwellers with only a roof top or a…

7 Tulips Deer Don’t Eat

  Species Tulip – Acuminata Buy Now for Fall Planting! This is the third installment in a series about a remarkable class of tulips known as the Species Tulips. If you are archiving these newsletters the other two installments occurred on 9-8-2018 and 9-22-2018. For those of you who have deer, squirrels, bunnies, chipmunks and other critters that like to…

Largest and Best Tasting Garlic

The 2018 Garlic Harvest: The Largest and Best Tasting Varieties 2018 Creole Garlic, Burgundy Buy Now for Fall Planting! Harvesting History spends a lot of time with our customers sharing stories with them at Harvest Festivals and Flower Shows, horticulture lectures, answering questions from emails and other social media platforms and speaking with many on the phone. At this time…

Shallots, For Best Results Plant These Little Buggers in the Fall

  Basket of Shallots Many of our winter hardy vegetables – onion and elephant garlic sets, parsnips, salsify, etc. –  can be planted in both the spring or the fall, but to be really successful with shallots, you should try to plant them in the fall. Shallots are sold as sets, but unlike onion sets where each ‘set’ is a…