How to grow Garlic
How to grow Garlic
Garlic, which is a member of the same family of plants as the onion, has been cultivated for millennia. As a cultivated plant, it is so old that it is difficult to credit a country of origin for this vegetable. Some historians believe that the onion was indigenous to southwest Siberia and spread to southern Europe, where it became naturalized. Currently, it is widely grown in all the Mediterranean countries.
All modern garlic belongs to one of two subspecies: hardneck (ophioscorodon) or softneck (sativum). Hardneck subspecies try to produce flower stalks with small aerial cloves called bulbils. Hardnecks will not produce large bulbs underground unless the flower stalks are removed. There are three varieties of hardneck garlic: Purple Striped, Porcelain, and Rocambole. For the most part, softnecks have lost the ability, to produce a flower stalk. However, under certain climatic situations, the bulbs may try to produce a flower stalk known as bolting. There are three varieties of softneck garlic: Artichoke, Silverskin, and Creole.
Elephant garlic is not true garlic. It is a leek that produces very large cloves, 3-4 per bulb. When allowed, it produces a large seedstalk that can be sold to florists. The tender, fleshy lower portion of the seedstalk is prized for Oriental dishes. The cloves of the elephant garlic are very mild when compared to real garlic. The vegetable, when baked, makes an excellent side dish.
Rocambole garlic is the most popular of the hardneck varieties. They have a deeper, more full-bodied flavor than softnecks, and they produce large cloves that are easily peeled. Their loose skin is also their biggest disadvantage because the loose skin contributes to a shorter storage life. Rocamboles harvested in the summer or fall do not usually last past January. The Rocambole garlicis the only variety with leaves that form tight loops of coils shortly after the leaf stalks appear. Eventually, the leaves straighten and lose their coils. There are 6-11 cloves per bulb. One pound of seed garlic will yield approximately 60 plants.
Purple Stripe garlic has bright purple streaks or blotches on both the bulb wrappers and the clove skins. This garlic is extremely flavorful and is outstanding when baked. The bulbs store longer than Rocamboles and are generally easy to peel. There are 8-12 cloves per bulb. One pound of seed garlic will produce approximately 60 plants.
Porcelain garlic has very large cloves that are covered in satiny white bulb wrappers. They are not well known in North America, but are growing in popularity because they are nearly the size of elephant garlic, only much more flavorful. They store longer than Rocamboles. There are only 4-6 cloves per bulb. One pound of seed garlic will produce approximately 40 plants.
Artichoke garlic is named for its overlapping cloves that resemble an artichoke. Artichoke garlic bulbs can have as many as five overlapping clove layers. The plants are very vigorous and have large bulbs. This garlic is often eaten raw, as the flavor is mild. Artichoke garlic stores excellently. The bulbs contain 12-20 cloves. One pound of seed garlic will produce approximately 80 plants.
Silverskin garlic is the type most frequently found in grocery stores because it keeps for a long time. This garlic is the highest yielder and does well in a variety of climates: hot, maritime and cold northern. The bulbs contain 12-20 cloves. One pound of seed garlic will produce approximately 90 plants.
Creole garlic is actually a silverskin subvariety, but a very popular one. Genetically, this variety is a softneck, but it behaves like a hardneck. Creoles have solid purple cloves, which are sweet tasting and long lasting, but they will not do well in northern climates like zones 1-5. Zone 6 is even questionable. However, our garlic producer has been trying to acclimatize Creole garlics for years, and they now feel that they have varieties of Creole garlic that will produce large bulbs in the Zone 5-6 winters. The bulbs contain 12-20 cloves. One pound of seed garlic will produce approximately 80 plants.
Elephant garlic is actually a leek. For a true garlic lover, the cloves are tasteless. For most of us, the cloves would be described as having a mild flavor. Each bulb contains 3-4 cloves. One pound of seed garlic produces approximately 20 plants.
In the north, garlic is usually planted in October. It is planted from November through January in the south. It is important to note that garlic should be planted 4-6 weeks before the ground freezes in order to establish good root growth ahead of winter. If winters are long and temperatures are extreme, then softnecks should be planted in the spring.
Garlic bulbs planted in the fall go through a short, two week dormant period before roots emerge and leaves sprout. With the onset of winter, the leaves die back and the roots cease to grow. This process is called vernalization. Proper bulbs are a product of adequate growth, vernalization, and subsequent growth under longer days. Bulbs planted in the spring must experience some minimal cold treatment in order to ensure proper bulbing.
Garlic can be grown in many different types of soil, but the plants prefer a rich, moist, sandy soil. Turn the soil and add some lime before planting. Break the bulbs apart into individual cloves and plant themroot end down, two inches deep. Keep four inches between cloves in rows that are twelve inches apart. Mulch immediately. In the spring, apply a 10-10-10 fertilizer and water like any garden. By summer, ease up on the watering. The hardnecks will shoot up a flower stalk in early June. Approximately one week after the stalk begins to turn woody, uncoil, and stand up straight, cut the stalk off half an inch above the top plant leaf. This will redirect the plant’s energy into bulb production.
When harvest time is approaching, the plants will begin to dry from the bottom leaves up and from the leaf tips inward, one leaf at a time. The plants should be harvested when approximately 40% of the leaves are still green. Bundle in groups of 5-10 and hang inside, out of direct sunlight and where there is good air circulation. Never leave freshly dug bulbs in direct sunlight. The bulbs cure in three or four weeks when the neck can be cut half an inch above the bulb without any evidence of moisture.
Garlics are best stored in netted onion bags at room temperature. Temperatures of 34-44 degrees will induce sprouting. Temperatures in the 30s are tolerable for table garlic, but planting stock should not be stored long at cold temperatures. Humidity around 60 to 70 percent is preferable. Rocamboles and Purple Stripes will store for approximately six months. Porcelains and Artichokes will store for approximately 8-10 months. Silverskins and Creoles will store for a full year.