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Plant America with a Garden of Heirlooms

A Garden of Heirlooms for Your Organization’s Volunteer Projects

For more than a decade now, members of the Harvesting History management team have traveled this country visiting libraries, museums, arboretums, parks, ‘pop-up’ urban gardens and participating in hundreds of flower shows, harvest festivals, plant sales, state fairs, county fairs and community festivals.
We have marveled at the thousands of magnificent container gardens, children’s gardens, native plant gardens, shade gardens, serenity gardens, gardens of hope, gardens of peace, gardens of healing, vegetable gardens, herb gardens, flower gardens, etc. that are daily, weekly  and seasonally nourished and maintained by the tireless volunteers associated with America’s horticultural organizations.
We believe that the volunteers from America’s horticultural organizations like the National Garden Clubs, Federated Garden Clubs of America, Men’s Garden Clubs, the Master Gardeners,  the Daughters of the American Revolution, 4-H, The Future Farmers of America, The Pennsylvania Horticutural Society, Massachusetts Horticultural Society, Friends of the National Arboretum, Friends of the State Arboretum of Virginia, to name just a few, create more beauty, more pleasure and more nurturing for more Americans than any other group of organizations that exist in America today.

“Plant America” is the 2018 theme for the
National Garden Clubs

We absolutely loved this title when we first heard about it early this year. It applies to every organization whose members put their hands in the soil, nourish our nation’s flowers, vegetables, herbs, trees, shrubs and aquatic plant life and defend America’s horticultural legacy. It also defines the heart and soul of Harvesting History.

Harvesting History was founded in 2016 to provide its customers with the finest quality horticultural and agricultural products available today including seeds, roots, bulbs, tubers, plants, garden tools and equipment, garden clothing, and garden-related books and art.
Our horticultural and agricultural products are largely heirloom varieties that can be reliably offered to our customers year after year. Our tools and equipment are designs that have proven invaluable to gardeners for many, many generations.
Harvesting History needs to reach gardening customers. In today’s world, the best way to reach masses of customers is by way of the internet, but this requires having email addresses and Harvesting History has very few email addresses. Our corporate policy is that we do not buy email lists, and we do not pirate email lists. The only way we are able to collect email addresses is if you give us email addresses.
From working with so many horticultural organizations we know that you have a constant need for horticultural products for your plants sales, your container and specialty gardens and for other work-related and fundraising endeavors.
The challenge is that we need email addresses which you have and you need horticultural products (seeds, plants, roots & sets, tools & equipment) which we have.
We would like to propose a trade! We would like to offer any horticultural organization or church group or community group or hospital volunteer group, etc. a

$500 gift certificate

to purchase any products that Harvesting History offers in exchange for you providing us (Harvesting History) with 1000 email addresses from your members, their friends and families.

The gift certificates would be good for 2 years and they would not have to be used in one purchase. They would be good for multiple purchases occurring at different times until the $500 has been spent.
We think it is a WIN-WIN for everybody. We get to support the organizations we love and respect and you get to assist in creating an entrepreneurial endeavor committed to protecting and proliferating America’s horticultural heritage.
If this is successful, we will continue to make the offer every couple of years thus sustaining our support for your activities.
To get started, please discuss this project with your group. Your group does not have to be formally organized, but make sure you have every contributor’s permission to use their email addresses. If they are providing the email addresses of friends and family, it is their responsibility to explain what they are going to do with the email addresses.
Please notify us at that you will be sending us a list of email addresses. If possible, please use a 1-column spreadsheet. If not possible, a simple numbered list is fine. When complete, please email the list to I will acknowledge the receipt and issue your organization the gift certificate. If you have questions, please contact me at 518-823-4325 or 410-627-6831.
I know this project will benefit so many of you, and it will greatly benefit Harvesting History. It is rare in this life that both sides can come out winners, but this is one of those rare occasions.

Let’s do this!

Celebrate your uniquely American horticultural heritage
Harvest Your History
Seed Your Future

on orders $50 and above

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