The Constitutional Convention Story: Installment #4

This is the fourth installment of four retold from Andrea Wulf’s book, The Founding Gardeners. The Constitutional Convention Story: Installment #4 A Pathway in the Bartram Garden Monday, July 16th dawned crisp and clear and cool. Though the air temperature had improved substantially, the tempers of the gentlemen delegates in the closed hall of the Pennsylvania State House were as…

Pole Beans Belong in Every Vegetable Garden-Here are 6 of the Greatest

The Heirloom Scarlet Runner Pole Beans in Thomas Jefferson’s Hanging Gardens at Monticello Pole Beans Belong in Every Vegetable Garden- Here are 6 of the Greatest Visit THE LEESBURG FLOWER & GARDEN FESTIVAL site for details Visit THE SHEEP & WOOL site for details Beans, corn and squash are the quintessential American crops – the trinity of vegetables – The…

Giants of the Tomato World – The Sandwich/ Slicing Tomatoes

Check Out The Harvesting History Collection of Plant Videos on YouTube Giants of the Tomato World- The Sandwich/ Slicing Tomatoes The tomatoes in the photo above starting from the top left and moving clockwise are Pineapple, Aunt Ruby’s German Green, Mortgage Lifter, Red & Yellow Stuffers, Black Krim, Kellogg’s Breakfast, Big Rainbow, Green Zebra and Great White. All are heirloom…