November and December are THE BEST PLANTING MONTHS for These Herb & Vegetable Seeds

Mache (Corn Salad) November and December are THE BEST PLANTING MONTHS for These Herb & Vegetable Seeds THE SEEDS DISCUSSED IN THIS NEWSLETTER AREAVAILABLE ON OUR WEBSITE AT THE FOLLOWING LINK: This is the final newsletter in a short series devoted to discussing some flower, vegetable and herb seeds that do best when planted in the fall. There are…

For An Extraordinary Fall & Winter Garden – 7 Vegetables That Must Be Planted In August 2019

Dinosaur Kale For An Extraordinary Fall & Winter Garden – 7 Vegetables That Must Be Planted In August 2019 The Second Season has begun! We talked briefly about 7 flowers that must be planted in August in our last newsletter. Now let’s begin a discussion of vegetables that must be planted in August. FIRST, some of our newsletter topics are now…

The Spinach

The Spinach – A Little History and Some Growing Instructions Spinach is a cold tolerant annual that was native to central and southwest Asia and was first cultivated in Iran. Wild varieties can be found throughout Asia, North Africa and Europe. There are basically two kinds of spinach: smooth-seeded (including most modern varieties) and prickly-seeded (from several older varieties). Both of…