Pole Beans Belong in Every Vegetable Garden-Here are 6 of the Greatest

The Heirloom Scarlet Runner Pole Beans in Thomas Jefferson’s Hanging Gardens at Monticello Pole Beans Belong in Every Vegetable Garden- Here are 6 of the Greatest Visit THE LEESBURG FLOWER & GARDEN FESTIVAL site for details Visit THE SHEEP & WOOL site for details Beans, corn and squash are the quintessential American crops – the trinity of vegetables – The…

The Perfect Flower for Young and Old-The Dahlia

Greetings Harvesting History Friends and Neighbors! The 2019 New Year begins today and with it the start of the 2019 gardening season. This season our newsletters will focus on three types of gardeners: • Traditional Heirloom Gardeners, • Teachers Who Inspire Children to Become Gardeners and • Container Gardeners This newsletter’s topic, the first of the season, is DAHLIAS. For…