Plant America with a Garden of Heirlooms

A Garden of Heirlooms for Your Organization’s Volunteer Projects For more than a decade now, members of the Harvesting History management team have traveled this country visiting libraries, museums, arboretums, parks, ‘pop-up’ urban gardens and participating in hundreds of flower shows, harvest festivals, plant sales, state fairs, county fairs and community festivals. We have marveled at the thousands of magnificent…

The Most Famous of the Heirloom Garlics – The Striped Garlics

  THE MARBLED PURPLE STRIPE GARLIC – PSKEM Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About GARLIC!! On Tuesday, July 24, 2018, we began a newsletter series on garlic which will span 8 newsletters in total, and by the end of this series you will have learned all you ever wanted to know (and then some) about garlic. For those of…

The Storage Stars – The Silverskins, Garlics that store the longest!

  Harvesting History welcomes its newest newsletter recipients – the folks whom we met at the New Jersey State Fair and Sussex County Horse Show and the folks we met at The Dutchess County Fair. We hope you will enjoy our newsletters. They are created from many years of gardening experience and with an abundance of love from the team…