This is the third installment of four retold from Andrea Wulf’s book, The Founding Gardeners. The Constitutional Convention Story: Installment #3 On the trip back from Bartram’s Garden and for the next day and a half, the delegates had a lot to think about. The 55 delegates ranged in age from 26 to Benjamin Franklin who at 81 was the…
The Constitutional Convention Story: Installment #2
Upper Garden with rectangles The Constitutional Convention Story: Installment #2 This is the second installment of four retold from Andrea Wulf’s book, The Founding Gardeners. There were 12 men in the entourage that visited Bartram’s Garden that day: from New York-Alexander Hamilton, from South Carolina-John Rutledge, from North Carolina-Alexander Martin and Hugh Williamson, Manasseh Cutler, from Massachusetts-Caleb Strong, from Virginia-James…
The Constitutional Convention Story: Installment #1
The Family Home of John Bartram The Constitutional Convention Story: Installment #1 In 4 days we will celebrate the birth of this nation. Last year, as part of this celebration, Harvesting History posted a story of The Constitutional Convention and The Great Compromise that made the United States a reality. From July 1 through July 4th this year, we are…
The Grandeur of Flowering Vines
The Flowering Vine, Morning Glory Heavenly Blue To purchase Morning Glory Heavenly Blue Seeds click this link In terms of ornamental grandeur derived from floral displays, the most underrated assets we have in the horticultural world are the flowering vines. Blankets of yellow, red, purple, white, blue orange and just about any other color you can think of have embellished…
The Perfect Flower for Young and Old-The Dahlia
Greetings Harvesting History Friends and Neighbors! The 2019 New Year begins today and with it the start of the 2019 gardening season. This season our newsletters will focus on three types of gardeners: • Traditional Heirloom Gardeners, • Teachers Who Inspire Children to Become Gardeners and • Container Gardeners This newsletter’s topic, the first of the season, is DAHLIAS. For…
Peas-Earliest, Sweetest, Easiest to Grow
Greetings Harvesting History Friends and Neighbors! The 2019 New Year begins in 3 days and with it the start of the 2019 gardening season, but we are getting a jump start on the season with our first newsletter of the 2019 season today. This season our newsletters will focus on three types of gardeners: • Traditional Heirloom Gardeners, • Teachers…