Broccoli, Calabrese – Green Sprouting


FULL SUN – BROCCOLI, Calabrese – Green Sprouting – Brassica oleracea var. italica, native to Europe and Asia, two distinctly different plants carry the name – one forms a head similar to cauliflower and one forms sprouting side shoots. Italian immigrants brought broccoli to the US in the early 1800s. Calabrese was brought to the US in the 1880s by Italian immigrants and initially forms a large, green head, usually 6-8 in. in diameter. Once the head has been harvested, it will produce green sprouts prolifically until early to mid-winter. The 18-30 in. tall plants tolerate frost very well.

Broccoli can be sown in the early spring for a summer crop and in early summer for a fall crop. In the spring, plant as soon as the ground can be worked. Soil should be deeply spaded before planting. Rows should be 30 in. apart.

When seedlings are 2 in. high, thin, leaving 18 in. between plants.
Adding lime to the soil before planting will sweeten broccoli.

Type Spacing Planting Depth Days to Germination Maturity
Broccoli 18 in. 1 in. 10 75

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Broccoli, Calabrese – Green Sprouting

Broccoli belongs to the Brassica family of vegetables, the largest vegetable family known which includes cabbages, cauliflowers, Brussels sprouts, collards, kale, kohlrabi, turnips and rutabaga. In fact, broccoli is nearly identical to cauliflower, the only differences being the green color of broccoli and the fact that cauliflower tolerates heat while broccoli does not. There are fundamentally two types of broccoli: the older variety called sprouting or asparagus broccoli belongs to the Italica group and the heading variety belongs to the Botrytis group. The Italica variety is thought to have developed from a form of European wild cabbage and originated in the Eastern Mediterranean. It made its way to Italy by the 17th century. As it spread to Northern Europe it became known as Italian Asparagus. Italian immigrants brought broccoli to the United States in the early 1800s. The heading variety named calabrese forms one dense head which can be purple or green. Broccoli Calabrese often will not form sprouts once the main head has been harvested.

Additional information

Weight .5 oz
Dimensions 3.5 × 4.5 × .01 in