Celosia, Cockscomb Tall


Direct seed Celosias in late spring or early summer when the soil temperature has risen above 70 degreesThe plants require full sun and like warmth, but their roots must be kept moist at all times. If the roots are allowed to dry out, the plant and its flower will be permanently damaged. To achieve the largest crests on the Cockscombs, the plants need rich soil and they need to be fed every two weeks with a fertilizer high in nitrogen and phosphorus. Celosias love to be grown in pots. Both the crests and the plumes can be dried.

Type Spacing Planting Depth Days to Germination Maturity
Annual 12 in. 1/2 in. 14 45-60

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Celosia, Cockscomb Tall

Celosias belong to a family of more than 50 plants that are native to the tropical and subtropical areas of Asia, Africa and the Americas. The cultivars produce flowers that are either plume-like (Celosia Pampas Plume) or crested (the Cockscombs). They are believed to be related to Amaranths. The name Celosia comes from the Greek, kelos, meaning “burned” which probably refers to the color of the flower of the indigenous species – red. A dark red crested version of the plant was introduced into Europe in 1570. During the 18th century, the Cockscombs were considered a potted plant by the British while with the American colonists, they were a popular garden flower. Thomas Jefferson, ever the connoisseur of the strange or unique when it came to gardening included the Cockscombs in his flower garden. Joseph Breck in his 1851 book, The Flower Garden, had this to say, “Celosia cristata (the Cockscombs) is common in most gardens…The color of the scarlet varieties is highly brilliant. None of the other colors are so rich. The yellows are generally rather dull – some of them dirty looking. The scarlets and crimsons are the only colors that look well. There are tall and dwarf varieties…” During the Victorian era, celosias became important parts of many Victorian gardens. In the 1920’s and 1930’s, the plants became popular in exhibit competitions at county/state fairs where the object was to product the plant with the largest crest. One award winning specimen had a 21 inch crest.

Additional information

Weight .5 oz
Dimensions 3.5 × 4.5 × .01 in