

Gomphrena is a bit difficult to grow from seed. The seeds should be sown indoors in February in a container with bottom heat. Transplant outdoors when the danger of frost has passed. will grow in most soils, but prefer a soil rich in compost with a loose loam. The plants need full sun. Flowering will begin in July and continue until the first killing frost.

Type Spacing Planting Depth Days to Germination Blossoms
Annual 6 in. 1/2 in. 10-14 30-45

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Gomphrena, also known as the Globe Amaranth, is native to the tropics of the Eastern and Western Hemispheres. The plant is related to the Cockscomb and Love-Lies-Bleeding. The native plant had magenta, clover-like flowers, but today’s cultivars are purple, pink and white as well as magenta. The plant has been grown in American gardens since the 1700’s. Joseph Breck in his 1851 book, The Flower Garden, said of the Globe Amaranth, “…Globe Amaranth, – of which there are three common varieties, the white and the purple and the striped, are desirable for their heads of flowers, which, if gathered before they are too far advanced, will retain their beauty for several years. The seed is difficult to vegetate in the open ground; soaking in milk twelve hours is recommended; scalding, perhaps, would do better…Gomphrena is said to be a name applied by the ancients to a plant bearing red and green leaves on the same stem; probably our Amaranthus Tricolor.

Additional information

Weight .5 oz
Dimensions 3.5 × 4.5 × .01 in