Swiss Chard, Rainbow Chard


FULL SUN – SWISS CHARD, Rainbow Chard – Beta vulgaris var. cicla, native to the coastal regions of southern Europe, Swiss Chard is probably older than our common beets having been developed from a wild beet more than 2000 years ago. Aristotle described a red stalked chard in 350 BC and white, yellow and green stalked chards have been known since ancient times. Introduced during the mid-20th century, Rainbow Chard was primarily grown for its ornamental qualities, but the flavor was also pretty good. The stalks are orange, pink, yellow and red. The leaves are deep green with some variation based on the color of the stalk. Swiss Chard can be sown in the early spring for a summer crop and mid-late summer for a fall crop. In the spring, plant as soon as the ground can be worked. Soil should be deeply spaded before planting. Chards are best grown in sandy loam soil. Rows should be 18-24 in. apart. When seedlings are 1 in. high, thin, leaving 8-12 in. between plants. Adding lime to the soil before planting will sweeten chard.

Type Spacing Planting Depth Days to Germination Maturity
Swiss Chard 8-12 in. 1/2 in. 14-18 55

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Swiss Chard, Rainbow Chard

Swiss chard is a cold tolerant biennial that is closely related to the beet. It is native to southern Europe and much older than the beet. It is believed to have developed from a form of wild beet thousands of years ago. White, yellow and dark green forms of chard have been known since ancient times. Aristotle mentions a red-stalked chard around 350 BC. Swiss chard has been grown both as a vegetable crop and also as an ornamental. It was introduced into the United States by the colonists who considered it another form of beet grown for its greens.

Additional information

Weight .5 oz
Dimensions 3.5 × 4.5 × .01 in