Citrus Fertilizer – Espoma’s Citrus-tone


Citrus-tone, 5-2-6, is a granular citrus fertilizer that is approved for organic gardening. In my 10-12 inch pots I apply ¼ cup of this fertilizer in a ring, 6 inches from the stem of the plant. I sprinkle it on the soil and then water it in. I apply this fertilizer when my plants are outside because there is an odor associated with this fertilizer primarily when it is wet. In 18-24 inch pots use ½-2/3 of a cup of this fertilizer.

I fertilize with Citrus-tone every 2-3 weeks throughout the entire summer.

The product has worked very well for me over the past 5 years. Espoma is a Millville, New Jersey-based company that produces excellent specialized organic fertilizers. The company has been producing organic fertilizers for 91 years. It was one of the very first organic fertilizer companies.

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Espoma’s Citrus-tone
4 lb. bag – Citrus Fertilizer Approved for Organic Gardening

Whether you use the fertilizers we recommend or select other fertilizers, there are some factors which you need to take into consideration. The most important is that you MUST use citrus fertilizers when feeding your trees. Citrus fertilizers contain micronutrients which prevent blossom and immature fruit drop.

Many of our customers have complained that their citrus trees bloom, but do not produce fruit. In nearly all cases it is because they have not been using citrus fertilizer.

The recommended fertilizing routine is to fertilize once a month from February or March through October. From November through January or February, you give your plants a rest. This is an excellent routine, but I use a different regimen. My trees are grown in the Northeast so I fertilize year round. When the plants are in the house, I use Jack’s Citrus FeED, a half diluted solution, every time I water. When the plants are outside, I use Espoma’s Citrus-tone, and I apply it once every 2-3 weeks. I don’t use Citrus-tone in the house because it stinks.

If you want fruit from your citrus trees you must fertilize and you must fertilize regularly.

Additional information

Weight 64 oz
Dimensions 7 × 12 × 3.5 in